Internet ScamBusters subscriber comments on gasoline prices and the gas boycott.
Here are six interesting comments and suggestions regarding our article on gasoline prices and the gas prices boycott.
Gasoline Prices Email #1: The biggest question on gasoline prices and oil
Where do the oil companies get their oil if not from the Middle East? - Mary
Editors Answer: See this article: Where Does America Get Oil? You May Be Surprised
Gasoline Prices Email #2: The real reason for high gasoline prices are not mentioned in your article
This is a total misconception. The reason for high gas prices is simply supply and demand in this country, not the cost of barrel of crude oil, be it purchased from Saudi Arabia or elsewhere.
This country has not built any new plants (at least any that provided a significant increase to our ability to increase production of refined oil products) since the mid to late 1990s.
It doesn't take a lot to realize that if we have to divert millions of barrels of our refined oil products, such as gasoline and diesel fuel, to fight a war, less of the product will find its way to the American consumer.
So in the land which has proven that capitalism and open markets are much better at regulating than any government, it should come as no surprise that we will have to pay more per gallon of fuel until such time as the plants that refine the crude oil in the United States catch up with the deficit.
Too many US citizens have the idea that they are entitled to a free lunch. Whenever a resource is used for one thing, it means there will be less available for whoever else might want to use this resource. Hey, it's the American way, and it works. Let's quit grumbling. Robert
Gasoline Prices Email #3: Are gasoline prices really high?
what people don't realize is how cheap gas really is. when i was a teenager, gas cost about 30 cents a gallon and my mother made $1 an hour and my dad $2.50. I made 25 cents an hour babysitting. when gas costs 50 cents a gallon i had a job making about $50 a week before taxes.
people do the math and compare it to $2.00 a gallon and the $20,000, $30, 000, etc that a person makes today. a person can spend 2 bucks for a burger at a fast food restaurant, 8 bucks for popcorn and coke at a movie and not blink an eye and those things don't even get you from point 'a' to point 'b'.
Gasoline Prices Email #4:
Regarding the fuel oil scam. There are motor fuel pipeline terminals throughout the USA. The majority of motor fuel travels through these pipelines to terminals... therefore gas is gas and diesel is diesel. At the terminal rack (where fuel is loaded into tanker trucks) branded companies may put a small amount of additives in the fuel so they can call it Texaco or EXXON/Mobile, BP/AMOCO, etc.
Gasoline Prices Email #5:
Hi Guys,
Just to say I really appreciate all your efforts with the newsletter - thanks 🙂
My comment is on the oil item - yes, you import oil from regimes you (speaking to the USA in general, here, not individuals) see as corrupt.
Remember you also trade heavily with corrupt regimes *not related to oil* the world over, and indeed one of Americas biggest markets - 'defense' - could even be said to go so far as to help with the corruption of others.
What's my point? My point is just that the 'get your fuel from...' scam you highlighted really goes for the patriotic flag waving xenophobic jugular, and that is surely another sign of it not being a sane, well balanced strategy - the world is not black and white!
Again, many thanks for all your efforts and a sterling service, I really appreciate it 🙂
Paddy 🙂
Gasoline Prices Email #6: Another approach...
I really enjoy your newsletter and the info it contains. Thanks especially for the tip about signing credit cards. I always do, but wondered about advice not to sign.
Anyway, regarding the "Gasoline Solution" e-mail, I have found an extremely easy, no-fail way to use less gas. My advice is pretty simple -- SLOW DOWN.
Instead of driving 80mph on the freeway (which I'd let myself get into the habit of doing), I've been keeping my top speed at 65mph (the speed limit, LOL). By doing that alone, my mileage has gone from 24mpg to 28mpg. We figured out I'm getting 56 more miles per fill-up, which is at least one day more before I need gas. I still drive everywhere I used to, but slower. And I don't do a ton of freeway driving (I live in the country). Commuters could really save a bundle this way.
Just thought I'd mention it.
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