Try to guess which one of these three Valentine's Day romance urban legends are true: Internet ScamBusters #218
In celebration of Valentine's Day, we have a fun issue for you today called "3 Valentine's Day Urban Legends: Can You Guess Which Are True?" You might be surprised -- we were. 😉
Let's get started...
3 Valentine's Day Urban Legends: Can You Guess Which Are True?
Ahhhh... Valentine's Day.
It is a time of love and lore, or rather love and Valentine's Day urban legends.
Did you know that experts still disagree about the origins of the holiday? We won't tackle the origins today (other than to note that regardless of how the holiday started, it is certain to be here for a long time to come), but instead, will focus on some fun Valentine's Day urban legends.
After all, Valentine's Day is a great time to explore popular and funny urban legends about love and romance. Here are three of our favorite romance urban legends -- can guess which ones (if any) are true?
Man dates woman on Internet for six months -- and it turns out she's his mother!
In this urban legend, a self-proclaimed French playboy Daniel Anceneaux spent weeks talking with a woman on the Internet. As often happens after corresponding for some time, they began to fall for each other. Daniel and his online love arranged a romantic rendezvous at a remote beach.
"I walked out on that dark beach thinking I was going to hook up with the girl of my dreams," Daniel admitted afterward. "And there she was, wearing white shorts and a pink tank top, just like she'd said she would.
"But when I got close, she turned around -- and we both got the shock of our lives. I mean, I didn't know what to say. All I could think was, 'Oh my God! It's Mama!' "
Do you think this urban legend is true or false?
False! The Weekly World News, a tabloid that has fun inventing fictional stories, created the original. Yahoo and dozens of other news groups and blogs then picked it up as news. It even made it to a Tonight Show monologue. 😉
Love is blind: A love-stricken moose finds romantic interest in a fake deer in family's front lawn
Brace yourself for this urban legend...
In 1993, a family in Maine found themselves sitting center stage while they watched a moose enthusiastically woo a plastic hunting deer in their front yard.
The poor moose noisily, and quite physically, wooed the plastic deer, a bow-hunting target, until her head fell off.
Upon seeing the object of his desire without her head, the 700-pound moose gave a disgruntled snort and trotted off into the woods.
Is this urban legend true or false?
The wire service went on to report: "Fall is the rutting season for moose in northern New England, and lonely bulls are occasionally known to attempt courtship with dairy cows and inanimate objects."
Who would have thunk? 😉
Robin Hood wedding march?
Here's an urban legend about a wedding processional:
In this particular urban legend, a woman and her boyfriend, upon seeing "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves" with Kevin Costner, adopted the Bryan Adams theme song, "Everything I Do, I Do It For You," as their song.
Later that night, while out to dinner, the boyfriend proposed. Their new song played on the jukebox.
Months later, while waiting for his bride to arrive at the church, the boyfriend requested their song from the organist. Instead of the standard wedding march, he asked for the theme from Robin Hood.
The organist was incredulous and asked the groom if he was sure, to which he enthusiastically replied "yes!"
As the bride entered the church and prepared to speak her vows, the organist began playing the Robin Hood theme song.
However, unfortunately, having never heard of the intended Bryan Adams song, he played the late sixties television theme song "Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen." Not exactly what they had in mind!
Is this urban legend true or false?
You may have to decide this one for yourself. It is certainly believable and many claim that it is true, however no one is able to corroborate it.
We hope you've enjoyed these Valentine's Day Urban Legends. Enjoy the holiday!
Time to conclude for today -- have a great Valentine's Day and a wonderful week!