Can you really keep speeding tickets (and other traffic violations) off your record by using this technique?
This particular email for how to keep speeding tickets off your record is quite popular -- and very creative.
The idea is that you write a check for a bit more than the speeding ticket fine. You'll then receive a refund check, but you don't cash it. Since the case is never closed, the speeding ticket never shows up on your record.
Here's an example of an email on how to keep speeding tickets off your driving record:
Subject: If You Get A Traffic Ticket
We discovered that this procedure works in every state. Read it and try it, you have nothing to lose but the points on your license.
This is how it works: If you get a speeding ticket or went through a red light or whatever the case may be, and you are going to get points on your license, then there is a method to ensure that you DO NOT get any points. When you get your fine, send in the check to pay for it and if the fine is say, $79, then make the check out for $82 or some small amount over the fine. The system will then have to send you back a check for the difference, but here is the trick!***DO NOT CASH THE REFUND CHECK!!!***Throw it away!! Points are not assessed to your license until all financial transactions are complete. If you do not cash the check, then the transactions are NOT complete. However, the system has gotten its money and is happy and will not bother you any more. This information came to our attention from an very reliable computer company that sets up the standard database used by each states' DMV. Good luck and share this with all your friends and other family members, as well!!!
Editors Note: Sounds plausible, but not true. In fact, the National Motorist Association has not been able to find any place that this works. Don't fall for it.