How to protect yourself from cell phone scams, spim, and phony stockbrokers: Internet ScamBusters #76
Today's issue is shorter -- and it covers some important new
scams: cell phone scams, 'spim,' and more. We'll get right to
Cell Phone Scams
Next time you use your credit card in a convenience store or
restaurant, be aware that scammers can now use camera-equipped
cell phones to snap pics of your card number and name. For
the rest of the article on cell phone scams, click here...
In the very unlikely event that you are not yet totally
disgusted with spam, unscrupulous marketers are now also
going after instant messaging (IM) users -- and the result
is called 'spim.' Click here for more on spim.
Scamsters as Stockbrokers on the Web
Scammers are now posing as stockbrokers with authentic-looking
websites that include the name and logo of a well-known
brokerage firm, but the site is at a different Web address
(URL). Click here for the rest of the article on stock brokers.
That's it for today. Stay scam-free!