More on online auction fraud and other scams:
Internet ScamBusters #44
Internet ScamBusters Snippets
More on Online Auction Fraud
Last month's issue of Internet ScamBusters, Online Auctions: Deal or Steal?, got glowing reviews from our subscribers. For some additional interesting articles on auction fraud, check out:
- The FTC's Guide for Buyers and Sellers
http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/online/auctions.htm - The Internet Fraud Watch
Think You've Been Scammed?
The most common question we get asked is: "I believe I've been scammed. What can/should I do?"
We've just found two other good resources for filing a fraud complaint.
1. The first is the Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC), a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C).
IFCC provides people who believe they are fraud victims with a convenient and easy-to-use way to alert the authorities of a suspected criminal or civil violation. The IFCC also offers a central repository for complaints related to Internet fraud, works to quantify fraud patterns, and provides timely statistical data of current fraud trends.
2. Second is the Consumer Sentinel, an international law enforcement fraud-fighting program. This is a partnership between a number of organizations, including the FTC. You can report your fraud complaints so they can be shared with law enforcement officials across the U.S. and around the world.
In the News
Internet ScamBusters Co-Editor, Audri Lanford, was interviewed for the April 22, 2001 edition of National Public Radio's (NPR) "To the Best of Our Knowledge" show. Check out the program description.
Hoax Corner
As always, there are a lot of hoaxes going around. If our inbox is any indication, one of the most popular right now is supposedly from Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). We've seen two versions: "Death of an Innocent" and "I Went to a Party Mom." Neither is sponsored nor endorsed by MADD. IMPORTANT: If you receive ANY email that asks you to send it to all your friends, please don't. It is most likely a hoax.
Real Viruses to Watch For...
If you're looking for a new source on the latest info on computer viruses, check out our information on computer viruses.
Safe Internet Banking
If you're concerned about the safety of Net banking, check out the FDIC page called Tips for Safe Banking Over the Internet. You'll get information on how to:
- Confirm that an online bank is legitimate and that your deposits are insure
- Keep your personal information private and secure
- Understand your rights as a consumer
- Learn where to go for more assistance from banking regulators