Protect yourself from these Sony PlayStation 2 scams:
Internet ScamBusters #40a
Issue #40 Part A
Last month marked the fifth anniversary of Internet ScamBusters. We are gratified to help over a million visitors a year, and to be the #1 publication on Internet fraud.
As you know, we publish Internet ScamBusters, do all the research, and maintain the ScamBusters site as a public service.
So before we get going, we'd like to ask you a quick favor. If you'd like to help support our efforts, there are three simple things you can do:
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We wish you a happy, healthy, and fraud-free holiday season.
OK. On to this month's scam warnings...
Sony PlayStation 2 Scams and Myths
As we were working on a PS2 contest, we discovered a number of important PlayStation 2 scams and myths. Since the PS2 is so hot right now, we thought you'd want to know what we've learned.
With Christmas fast approaching and the huge PS2 shortages escalating, more and more people fear that getting a PS2 before the holidays is becoming impossible. Even consumers willing to pay a premium don't know how much of a surcharge is "reasonable," or how to avoid getting scammed.
The three biggest issues that frustrated PS2 hunters face are price, availability, and whether stores that claim to have PS2's in stock at a reasonable price are, in fact, scams.
The Better Business Bureaus in the US and Canada issued their first scam warning on December 1, 2000, stating that a few Internet companies are falsely advertising they have PS2's available. The BBB warned consumers about two specific stores: PS2storeusa.com or PS2storecanada.com. Neither company is an authorized reseller of the PS2's, according to Sony.
You can read the full story at CNET:
Further, there are over 31 completed eBay auctions, and 51 completed Amazon auctions, where the winning bid for one PS2 unit (with 0 to 3 games) sold for $1,000 or more.
We even have one reliable report of a buyer paying $5,000 for a PS2 on eBay. (This buyer did receive the unit. However, this is seven to ten times the going current premium rate for PS2's.)
On Friday, December 8, 2000, Sony Computer Entertainment America issued a consumer alert targeted at holiday shoppers wanting to purchase PS2's. They advised consumers who have questions about the reliability of an online store to call their Consumer Service Department at 800-345-7669 (SONY).
We'll send you Internet ScamBusters Snippets later this week.