Help for identity theft victims in Nebraska
More often than not, the terms "identity theft" and "Nebraska" are not used in the same sentence. However, that does not mean that identity theft in Nebraska is not a problem.
The problem of identity theft in Nebraska
Compared with the number of identity theft crimes in other states, Nebraska has relatively few victims. Still, in 2005, Nebraska ranked thirty-seventh in terms of identity theft complaints per 100,000 population. Of those who were victimized, about 19% were robbed more than once!
To put things nicely, that's just not good.
Thankfully, Nebraska doesn't make it easy for identity thieves to get away with their crimes -- as long as identity theft victims stand up for themselves.
Excellent identity theft resources in Nebraska
If you've gotten this far, chances are you're already all too familiar with the problem of identity theft in Nebraska. We sympathize with your problem, and we hope to help you overcome your obstacles and move on with your life.
We can't promise you this will be easy, but the resources provided here certainly will help make it possible.
Identity theft victims in Nebraska should begin by visiting the Attorney General's website. This site contains information that will tell you exactly where to report different kinds of identity theft and what to do once you make your claim. It also explains your legal rights as an identity theft victim.
You can visit the Nebraska Attorney General's web page on identity theft by clicking on this link:
You can also receive extremely valuable help from the Nebraska Bankers Association program called Identity Theft 911. If you are an identity theft victim, they will assign you a personal advocate to guide you through the identity resolution process.
You can learn more about this program by visiting its official website here:
If the theft of your identity involved any type of vehicle fraud, the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles is happy to help. You can read more about that department's services here:
Please remember that the most important thing you can do to solve your identity theft problems is to stand strong. The truth is that you may have to contact a lot of people from the Nebraska resource list before your case is resolved. But don't give up! The key to restoring your identity is to keep at it, making every effort to clear your good name.
Identity theft problems do not go away on their own. But with a bit of forcefulness, a lot of staying focused, and perhaps more determination than you thought you had -- coupled with some help from the state of Nebraska -- your identity theft problems will get resolved over time.
To read more about identity theft problems and resolutions, please visit the ScamBuster.org Identity Theft Information Center.