Read the story about Kelsey Brook Jones who was one of many missing children -- and learn if it's true or an urban legend
Missing Children: Can Forwarding an Email Help the Search?
I hope I have covered enough East Coast, Midwest, and West Coast people to spread out the search for this little girl. It only takes 2 seconds to "forward" this on, if it was your child, you would want all the help you could get. Please. I am asking you all, begging you to please forward this email on to anyone and everyone.
As most all of you know, I have a 5 year old daughter named Kelsey Brooke Jones. We are from Southern Minnesota. She has been missing since 4pm Oct.11, 1999. The police were notified shortly after. If anyone anywhere knows anything, sees anything, pleeeeaaaase contact me if you have my number. The police don't recommend I put my number online, but you can contact the Police, a missing persons report has been filed. I am including a picture of her (below).
All prayers are appreciated!!
Thank you, Amy
Editors Note: There is a child named Kelsey and she was missing - but for only 2 hours. No one knows who started this email but the more it got passed on the farther away from the truth it became.