Internet Privacy Products Recommended by Internet ScamBusters
If you're concerned about your Internet privacy -- and you should be! -- please check out the following privacy products we think you'll appreciate.
If you didn't check out the first Internet privacy product -- Xcleaner -- when we recommended it in an issue of Internet ScamBusters, we suggest you do so now. Xcleaner has gotten lots of Kudos from our subscribers.
(PC only at this time -- sorry.)
Note: We only recommend products we believe in. We do earn an affiliate commission on these products, which helps keep Internet ScamBusters free.
Xcleaner from Xblock
Xcleaner is a multi-faceted, Internet privacy program that cleans Internet surfing and usage activity at a mouse click. More importantly it scans your system for keyloggers and other programs that attempt to record or "spy" on your activity.
Catches KeyKey, SubSeven, Stealth Keyboard Logger, Snapshotspy, Surf Spy, Net Spy, GhostKeylogger, PC Activity Monitor; PC Spy, STARR, Spector, Red Hand Pro, Hacker Whacker, FreeWhack, Aureate and others. Click Here for Xcleaner.
Four single credit reports with data provided by Experian that are delivered online for ease of use. Perfect for monitoring your credit worthiness several times a year -- on dates customized by you using your personal credit calendar. You can also get single reports very inexpensively. Plus they have a cost effective identity theft fraud watch program. Click Here for TrueCredit.