How To Find Cheap Gas Prices Without Driving All Over Town
Cheap Gas Prices
The following short article on cheap gas prices was written by Peter Humleker, who also wrote the excellent ebook on car buying that got such a tremendous response in last week's issue of ScamBusters.
(Remember, it's these promos that keep Internet ScamBusters free. Plus, we only recommend products we review, highly recommend and use ourselves.)
How To Find Cheap Gas Prices Without Driving All Over Town To Find Them!
Are you getting sick and tired of the outrageous gas prices? I know I am and I found a really cool site to help us out. Click here for cheap gas prices.
Then click on your own state. This will bring up the website for your home state and you can easily see what gas stations are selling gas for at the lowest prices.
For example I went and clicked on my state of North Dakota and http://www.northdakotagasprices.com/ came up in my browser. All I had to do was compare the gas prices and I'm saving money on gas just as simple as that! Pretty cool eh?
(Copyright Peter Humleker. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.)
Note: We thought this article would be much more useful than the email hoax on gas prices and the gas boycott in the last issue. 😉 If you'd like to read some interesting comments from our subscribers on cheap gas prices and the gas prices hoax (including the answer to the question we got asked most -- where do the oil companies get their oil if not from the Middle East?), click here.