Share your story of how you got scammed -- to help others protect themselves from Internet fraud
We're updating the form for you to share your story about fraud -- it will be available soon...
We have a favor to ask you to help us reduce fraud on the Internet.
As the editors of Internet ScamBusters, we're frequently asked for specific stories and examples of fraud by reporters from major magazines, newspapers and TV shows who want to do articles or shows on exposing scam artists and their scams. Their goal is to help get the word out so innocent people won't get victimized.
We want to create a resource of people who have been "taken" by scam artists that can then be used to help these reporters get information out to the public. We would, of course, keep your name anonymous if preferred, and would always contact you first before giving your information to a reporter.
This database will only be searched by our staff to help reporters find scam victims for their stories. The database will NOT be available to the public.
If you have been a victim of fraud, we urge you not to be embarrassed. Getting scammed even happens to us occasionally - and we're the editors of the #1 publication on Internet fraud! We share these stories very publicly because we want people to learn from our mistakes. We hope you'll consider doing the same thing by sharing your story to help reduce fraud on the Internet.
If you would like to help us build this anti fraud resource to help prevent future victims, please fill out the form below with your name, location, the scam and a detailed description of the scam. We'd really appreciate your taking the time to do this.
Please do NOT use this form for anything other than to report your scam, such as asking questions or entering something you "think" is a scam.
If you want to know if a chain letter you've received via email is true or not, (99.9% chance its not true) check the Urban Legends and Hoaxes Resource Center page. For information on whether a company or site is legit please use the resources at the Scam Check Station.
The form to share your fraud experience will return soon!