How do you know if you're on a 'spoofed' (fake or fraudulent) website? SpoofStick can help...
SpoofStick helps you know if you're on a 'spoofed' (fake or fraudulent) website...
A quick review of the problem before we explain how SpoofStick helps solve it: Phishing scams are done by scammers who send emails that look like they come from well-known websites (for example, CitiBank, BestBuy, PayPal, AOL, etc.) in order to get the victim to surrender private information.
The email directs the victim to a website where the victim is asked to enter personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers that the legitimate organization supposedly already has.
The website, however, is bogus and set up only to steal the user's information.
But how do you know the website is bogus?
There are a number of ways you can figure this out. However, an easy way that quite a few subscribers recommended is using SpoofStick.
Here's how SpoofStick describes itself:
"SpoofStick is a simple browser extension that helps users detect spoofed (fake) websites... SpoofStick makes it easier to spot a spoofed website by prominently displaying only the most relevant domain information. It's not a comprehensive solution, but it's a good start."
Our only complaint with SpoofStick for Internet Explorer currently requires Windows 2000 or Windows XP to run. The FireFox version supports other version of Windows and Mac OSX.