Is the email from a child with cancer wanting help from the Make A Wish Foundation true -- or is it an urban legend or hoax?
Make A Wish Foundation
Hi, my name is Amy Bruce.
I am 7 years old, and I have severe lung cancer from second hand smoke. I also have
a large tumor in my brain, from repeated beatings. The doctors say I will die soon
if this isn't fixed, and my family can't pay the bills.The Make A Wish Foundation, has agreed to donate 7 cents for every name on this list.
For those of you who send this along, I thank you so much, but for those who don't
send it, what goes around comes around.Have a Heart, please send this. Please, if you are a kind person, send this on.
Editors Note:
The "Make a Wish" foundation is a real
organization doing fine work, but they have had to establish a special toll free
hot line in response to the large number of Internet hoaxes using their good name
and reputation. It is distracting them from the important work they do.
And as heartbreaking as this one sounds, again not true. Always remember - It is
technically impossible to track forwarded email.