Even more suggestions from Internet ScamBusters subscribers about credit card fraud prevention
Below are suggestions #12 through #15 that we received from our Internet ScamBusters subscribers on credit card fraud prevention. (Click here if you haven't yet read the others, starting with credit card fraud prevention suggestions 1 to 3.)
Credit card fraud prevention suggestion #12:
How do you know that the person calling about the Credit Card info is legitimate???
He could give you a so-called number to call the Fraud Dept but it really is him that you are calling back and it is a fake set up Fraud Dept.
Editors Note: He didn't give me a phone number. He told me to call the number that's written on the back of my credit card. I went and looked it up on my credit card. Read the next comment for more...
Credit card fraud prevention suggestion #13:
lesson well learned re what happened to audri,however a woman did exactly what audri did and still got scammed. you're gonna love this! the woman hung up & dialed the number she knew was not bogus. the scammer simply didn't hang up, hoping the connection would survive the "hang up". (the connection remains a few seconds after one party hangs up!). the woman, assuming she had a dialtone, dialed away and the scammer "answered" her call and... well, you know the rest.
ps- great job guys.
Credit card fraud prevention suggestion #14:
Regarding the information on credit card fraud, I have tried to put both pieces of advice to use. When I get a new credit card, I immediately sign it, but I also print "SEE ID". Even though I write "SEE ID" on the card, I am rarely asked for my ID when I make a purchase. I make a point to comment positively to the cashier whenever they look at the signature and then ask for my ID.
A couple points that concern me with credit card use today is that I believe that a majority of cashiers do not even take the time to look at the signature. The second is that most stores make it convenient for the customer to use the card, so they have machines readily available for the customer to swipe their own card; the cashier rarely ever even asks to check the card. I learned from a news story years ago that the store will get its money if the transaction receives an approval, it is the credit card company who absorbs the loss.
Thank you for all the helpful information, Steven
Credit card fraud prevention suggestion #15: forgery experts need jobs too
I was just in San Diego, and it's true: several people there seem to write "Ask for photo ID" on their credit cards! (I signed my latest anyway... the handwriting/forgery experts need jobs too. 🙂
(and what happens if I lose or forget to carry my ID?)
Peace and joy,
Click here for some more comments, ideas and suggestions on credit card fraud prevention (including a very funny one).