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Most people believe that because they are relatively intelligent, they won't get taken by Internet and other scams.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, if you have a credit card, cell phone, Internet connection -- even a library card -- you've supplied all the tools a sneaky scammer needs to take you to the cleaners.
And make no mistake -- you are a target.
Every day honest, intelligent, savvy people just like you fall victim to unscrupulous, deceitful scammers. They'll stop at nothing to rip you off and you'll never suspect a thing... until it's too late.
Being Smart Does Not Make You Safe
The FBI says that last year, consumers lost $125.6 million to online swindles. And the problem is growing. Complaints are up 60% in the past two years!
Sure, most intelligent people won't fall for obvious scams like the Nigerian fee scam or pyramid schemes. But many scams aren't obvious... unless you know about them in advance.
Fortunately, there is one simple thing you can do right now to start building a protective shield these devious opportunists can't penetrate.
Just accept this invitation to receive ScamBusters Update absolutely free. These public service updates, delivered weekly to your in-box, will keep you steps ahead of the shady scammers because we reveal the ins and outs of their most insidious scams.
Don't Become Their Next Victim
The New York Times calls ScamBusters "one of the oldest and most comprehensive online clearinghouses for information about internet fraud." Don't you want that kind of clout on your side?
Be safe. Protect yourself. Get ScamBusters Update absolutely free today. Just fill in the sign up form in the upper right of this page.